
Displacement on plane blender 3D

Displacement on plane blender 3D Object of tutorial : How to use displacement texture on Blender Enable Experimental Future Set On Render On Material Settings change Displacement to Both Then just set the camera and the scene  In our case we use 2 plane subdivided    On subdivision modifier and select adaptive * *Adaptive more close you are at the object more memory and resolution can get so be careful  After that we need to UV unwrap the plane's and use a displacement texture like underneath  This is Texture is created in blender internal After that get a new material and use the texture with no color data and connect it to displacement node for this material i use a mix of principled and emission shader and i use a color rump to get the light where i want it .  After that i render it and i use node editor to add some glare and that was it

Create marble material in Blender 3d Cycles render engine

Object of tutorial : How create a simple marble material without image textures. We going to use for Textures Checker Texture Wave Texture Noise Texture Brick Texture To control them we need Texture Coordinate Mapping ColorRamp  Mix Shader Fresnel  For Shaders Diffuse Glossy This Is the final Material Node   I use  Wave Texture and to control them i need Mapping because if i do not use different location map it be a single texture so i heed all two times. We need to change the Location Map of the one Texture Map use complex number like 2.1234 or 1.45123 also i change the Scale of Z axes in the exam above i use the same values better use different values. ColorRamp is to clear the wave line do it smoother or not To combine them i use a Checker Texture. I also use a Brick Texture Fac for bump map the edges of the marbles I did same thing with Noise Texture to add more detail's. after that i combine them with a (MixRGB) and i use add. After th

Use mist in Blender 3D (blender Cycles)

Object of tutorial : How to use Mist in Blender 3d with blender Cycles render engine and blender compositor Enable Mist in passes Use Color Ramp to control Mist and Color Balance to give a color to the Mist. For the needs of this tutorial I set a very simple scene with  2 buildings 2 images a basic floor and background Environment texture at the world just to get some pure reflections . Get all objects in place  Set the camera Set the Light's Materials Render it Get to Compositor In the  compositor i use Color Ramp and Color Balance as can you see in the picture below  With Color Ramp  control the distance and the density of the Mist ( white collor = 100% density) With Color Balance i just give color to the Mist (I use light blue collor for mist )   More Effects Also use RGBtoBW, Color Ramp, Color Balance, Sun Beams and blur effect for extra as can you see in the picture below

Create transparent images for html use with Blender Cycles render engine

Object of tutorial : Create transparent images for html usage with Blender 3d I use blender Cycles engine for render and blender compositor to mask and make the final result. What i use: blender download Here  (free 3d program) First we create a little studio in Blender for render our object  (use Object Index = 1) A box with 2 side of lights L and R (use "geometry>Backfacing" for no cast light out of box). White Background (simple diffuse material). Gray top  (simple diffuse material). World set to black. We place the object into the studio box and set camera for render  Setting up passes before render Then we render (my rend 450 samples) and open composer to start play with it We use Diffuse Direct-Indirect-Color and IndexOB to create a filter.For better result we add to this filter a vignette so smooth every hard cut from image i group all in vignette so i can control only what i want outside the gro